The policies of Unified School District 383 are the results of a combined effort of the professional staff of the Kansas Association of School Boards, the Board of Education and the district's staff.
Understanding the Policy System
Policies are principles adopted by the school board to chart a course of action. They tell WHAT is wanted and may include also WHY and HOW MUCH. They should be broad enough to provide the administrators with guidance in handling the day-to-day issues, which arise; they should be narrow enough to give the administration clear guidance. This philosophy was incorporated into thinking that produced the model and guided the board and the district's staff in developing the final, adopted policies.
The system's ultimate success depends on using these policies daily to guide the administrators and as a management tool to facilitate school board operations and actions. The coding or "tracking" of terms is by letter rather than by number. Letter (alpha) encoding offers two major advantages over number coding. A letter system offers more flexibility. The code has available 26 separate letters to use compared to only ten digits. A letter system requires no decimal points. This tends to reduce the likelihood of errors in reproduction and filing.
The Index
The index is designed to help the user find the subject described in the appropriate policy. Major descriptors appear in several places in the index. This is to facilitate the user's search for correct term placement in the system.
When Using This Manual
To use this manual properly, the reader should look up the subject matter in the index and turn to the policy section first. The reader should check the table of contents found in the front of each policy section to determine whether the desired subject is cross-referenced to any other policy and to determine if "Also" or "See" are present. The reader should turn to the alpha code in the appropriate section and read the policy. After the reader has done this, he should read all cross-references and other similar referrals.
State Law and Negotiated Contracts
These policies do not contain any statutory language except where necessary or negotiated contract language. They exist in other, separate documents, which should be consulted if needed. If the reader is in doubt about the subject being pursued, he should ask the superintendent or some other administrative staff member for guidance.
1. When the masculine pronoun is used throughout these policies, it is intended to refer to both feminine and masculine antecedents.
2. Wherever the word "superintendent" or "principal" occurs, the words "or designated representative" are assumed to be included.
CA - Goals and Objectives of School Administration
CE - Superintendent of Schools
CEA - Superintendent Qualifications
CEC - Superintendent Recruitment
CEE - Compensation and Benefits
CEF - Expense Reimbursement and Credit Cards
CEG - Superintendent's Professional Development Opportunities
CEI - Evaluating the Superintendent
CEJ - Nonrenewing or Terminating the Superintendent's Contact
CF - Board-Superintendent Relations
CK - Professional Development Opportunities
DE – Fraud Prevention and Investigation
DFAB - Standard of Conduct for Federally Funded Contracts
DFAC - Federal Fiscal Compliance
DFG - Fees, Payments and Rentals
DFM - Equipment and Supplies Sales
DJED - Bids and Quotation Requirements
DJEG - Purchase Orders and Contracts
EB - Buildings and Grounds Management
EBBA - Hazardous Waste Inspection and Disposal
EBBD - Evacuations and Emergencies
EBE - Cleaning and Maintenance Programs
EBI - Long-Range Maintenance Program
EC - Equipment and Supplies Management
ECH - Printing and Duplicating Services
ED - Student Transportation Management
GA - Personnel Policy Organization
GAAA - Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination
GAAB - Complaints of Discrimination
GAACA - Racial Harassment - Employees
GAAF - Emergency Safety Interventions
GACCA - Employment of Relative(s) - Nepotism BOE and Administration
GACCB - Relatives of Employee(s) - Nepotism
GACD - Employment Eligibility Verification
GACE - Assignment and Transfer
GAD - Employee Development Opportunities
GADA - Professional Development
GAH - Participation in Community Activities
GANA - Expense Reimbursement and Credit Cards
GAO - Maintaining Proper Control
GAOC Prohibited Use of Tobacco Products and Electronic Cigarettes
GAOD - Drug and Alcohol Testing
GARA - Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Plan
GARI - Family and Medical Leave
GARIA - Pregnant and Parenting Employees
GBN - Nonrenewal and Termination
GBQA - Reduction of Teaching Staff
GBRC - Professional Development
GBRF - Student and Parent Conferences
GBRJ - Arrangement for Substitutes
GCA - Compensation and Work Assignments
IDACA - Special Education Services
IDACB - Section 504 Accommodations for Students
IE - Instructional Arrangements
IF - Textbooks, Instructional Materials and Media Centers
IFCC - Overnight Accommodations
II - Educational Testing Program
IIBGA - Children's Internet Protection Act
IIBGC - Staff Online Activities
IJ - Evaluation of Instructional Program
IKCA - Human Sexuality and Aids Education
IKD - Religion in Curricular or School Sponsored Activities
IKDA - Religious Objections to Activities
JBCC - Enrollment of Nonresident Students
JBH - Release of a Student During the School Day
JCAC - Interrogation and Investigations
JCDAA Tobacco and Electronic Cigarette Use
JDD - Suspension and Expulsion Procedures
JDDAA - Student Misuse of Medications
JDDB - Reporting to Law Enforcement
JGA - Student Insurance Program
JGC - Health Assessments and Physicals
JGCB - Inoculations (Immunizations)
JGCBA - Automated External Defibrillators
JGD - Student Psychological Services
JGECA - Racial and Disability Harassment- Students
JGFB - Supervision of Students
JGFGA - Administration of Emergency Opioid Antagonists
JGFGB - Supervision of Medications
JGFGBA - Student Self-Administration of Medications
JGFGBB – Accommodating Students with Diabetes
JGGA - Use of Surveillance Cameras
JGH - School Food Service Programs
JGHB - Vending Machines and Other Automated Play Machines
JQA - Physically Disabled Students
JQE - Alternative Arrangements
JQKA - Foreign Exchange Students
JQL - Hearing Procedures for Exceptional Students
JQLA - Class-size - Caseload Limits for Exceptional Students
KB - Public Information Programs
KBA - District or School Web Sites
KCB - Custodial and Non-Custodial Parent Rights
KG - Use of School Facilities by Community Groups
KGA - Building, Grounds and Equipment
KGD – Disruptive Acts at School or School Activities
KI - Distributing Materials in Schools
KK - Sale of District Property