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Library Services

About Library Services

The staff at Library Services has one goal; support the libraries of our many wonderful schools within Manhattan-Ogden USD 383. We do this for one very simple, underlying reason, we want our school librarians to have the time they need to focus on the students, and help instill in them a lifelong love of reading, and develop literacy skills that serve them in all aspects of their education and life.

Our department manages the online catalog that our students and staff use. We maintain this resource so that students can search our libraries and find the book that is just right for them. If that book happens to be on the shelf at another school, our librarians use our Inter-Library loan system to make sure that everyone has access to the materials that they need. At the same time, we manage the staff and student records that go into this system so that when our students and staff visit the library, they can check out a book and numerous other resources that are available.

To help our librarians spend as much time with students and staff as possible, our department manages the ordering and processing of almost all library materials that reside in our libraries. Librarians themselves select the books, materials, and resources for their students because they know them best.  Our job is to then work with multiple vendors to make sure the orders get placed and filled in a timely manner. When the books arrive, we check each and every one for errors or defects, and facilitate replacements if necessary.  We then add the majority to our online library catalog so that when the books leave our offices, they are ready to be used when they arrive in the school libraries. By doing all of this, our librarians have the instructional and collaboration time they need to work with students and staff.

In addition to maintaining the library catalog and ordering materials, we also provide several online resources for the students of Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 to use in their classrooms and homes, such as Discovery Streaming, World Book Online, and Reading Counts.  As the Director of Library and Instructional Media Services, my role is to provide leadership for the district’s library program, and help the librarians in whatever way I can to make sure that they provide best practices for the students and staff that they serve. Everything we do is for the students and libraries of Manhattan-Ogden USD 383, and it is something we gladly do every day.

Lucas Loughmiller
Director of Library Services

Group photo of the Library Services team. From left to right: Lucas Loughmiller, Diane Dexter, Kailee Altman, and Ruth Vanderford Nagaoka

Contact Us


Located at the Lincoln Education Center

Lucas Loughmiller – Director of Library Services

Ruth Vanderford Nagaoka – Assistant to the Director of Library Services/Library Services Clerk

Diane Dexter – Library Services Clerk

Kailee Altman – Library Services Clerk

Information Literacy

Basic elements in an information literacy curriculum:

  1. Defining the need for information.
  2. Initiating the search strategy.
  3. Locating the resources.
  4. Assessing and comprehending the information.
  5. Interpreting the information.
  6. Communicating the information.
  7. Evaluating the product and process.

Teacher's role changes from textbook lecturer to coach.

Students become active learners.

Learning results from use of multiple resources regardless of format.

Performance assessments are used for assessing students.

Students must have frequent opportunities to handle all kinds of information.

Information Literacy should become part of every subject across the curriculum. It should be embedded into the core curriculum.

The principal, classroom teacher, and librarian are instructional partners.

Library Resources