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Elementary Curriculum

    • Botvin Life Skills Training (LST) is a research-validated substance abuse prevention program proven to reduce the risks of alcohol, tobacco, drug abuse, and violence by targeting the major social and psychological factors that promote the initiation of substance use and other risky behaviors. Developed by Dr. Gilbert J. Botvin, a leading prevention expert, Botvin Life Skills Training is backed by over 30 scientific studies and is recognized as a Model or Exemplary program by an array of government agencies including the U.S. Department of Education and the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention.
    • Rather than merely teaching information about the dangers of drug abuse, Botvin Life Skills Training promotes healthy alternatives to risky behavior through activities designed to: 

      • Teach students the necessary skills to resist social (peer) pressures to smoke, drink, and use drugs. 
      • Help students to develop greater self-esteem and self-confidence. 
      • Enable students to effectively cope with anxiety. 
      • Increase their knowledge of the immediate consequences of substance abuse. 
      • Enhance cognitive and behavioral competency to reduce and prevent a variety of health risk behaviors.
  • Standards Grading

    In order to give the most accurate information about how our K-5 students are learning grade-level standards, USD 383 elementary sites will use four performance categories for Standards Grading starting next school year. Our goal is for each student to “Achieve a 3” or the performance category that indicates students have demonstrated mastery of the targeted knowledge and skills for their grade level. The consistent scale increases clarity and quality of information. There are two categories below and one category above level 3 or “Meeting the Standard.” This allows for variation and accuracy to give several feedback and reporting points along the learning continuum.

    Clarity - Feedback is more clear for students and families to understand relative learning strengths and growth areas. Instead of a score of 8/10 or 80%, Standards Grading gives more detailed feedback on how well the targeted learning, or standard, has been mastered.

    Partnership - A significant benefit of having better information about progress is increased opportunity for students, families and teachers to work together in even more impactful ways. Social-emotional and work habits will be reported separately in a learner outcome section.

    Personalization - USD 383 prioritizes each student's growth. Standards Grading makes each student's learning path more personal and individualized. Students' scores represent their own, unique learning journey.


    Actualizaciones De Calificaciones Estándar Para El Año Escolar 2022-23

    Para brindar informaciόn más precisa sobre cόmo los estudiantes de K-5 están aprendiendo el estándar de nivel de grado, los sitios de primaria de USD 383 usarán cuatro categorías de desempeño para la Calificaciόn Estándar a partir del prόximo año escolar. Nuestro objetivo es que cada estudiante “Logre un 3” o la categoria de rendimiento que indica que los estudiantes han demostrado dominio de los conocimientos y habilidades específicas para su nivel de grado. La escala consistente aumenta la claridad y calidad de la informaciόn. Hay dos categorias debajo y una categoria sobre el nivel 3 o “Cumple con el Estándar”. Esto permite una variaciόn y precisiόn para dar varios puntos de respuesta e informes de notificaciόn a lo largo del proceso de aprendizaje.

    Claridad - La Respuesta de Claridad es más clara para que los estudiantes y familias entiendan las fortalezas de aprendizaje relativas y las áreas de crecimiento. En lugar de un resultado de 8 sobre 10 o del 80%, La Calificaciόn Estándar brinda una respuesta más detallada sobre qué tan bien se ha dominado el aprendizaje objetivo o el estándar.

    Asociaciόn – Un beneficio significativo de tener mejor informaciόn sobre un progreso, es una mayor oportunidad para que los estudiantes, familias y maestros, trabajen juntos de maneras aún más impactantes. El hábito socioemocional y laboral se informará por separado en una secciόn del resultado del alumno.

    Personalizaciόn – USD 383 prioriza el crecimiento de cada estudiante. Los Resultados Estándar hacen la trayectoria de aprendizaje de cada estudiante más personal e individualizada. El puntaje de los estudiantes representan su propio camino de aprendizaje único.


Kansas Standards

High standards let everyone in the education system know what to aim for with clarity and focus. Standards allow every student, family member and educator to share in common expectations of what students should know at each grade level and be able to accomplish by the end of the year. Please visit the Kansas State Department of Education website for more information about standards.