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  • Decorative banner that includes 6 photos of the transportation department and school buses with the word "transportation" written in the lower center

Contact Us

Transportation: 1120 Hayes Drive, Manhattan, KS 66502

Phone: 785-587-2190

Fax: 785-587-2194

Don’t know what school you are zoned for? Visit the District Map page and follow the instructions or call Transportation.

Meet the Transportation Staff

Andrea Adams – Director

Erik Prohaska – Assistant Director/Discipline Coordinator

Jay Hartman – Shop Foreman

Lauran Jackson – Dispatcher and Billing

Miranda Staton – Dispatcher and Trip Coordinator

Need to schedule a trip? Send us an email!

Be a Bus Driver!

We are hiring Transportation staff. Visit our application portal to apply. 


Transportation Resources


    Bus Route Portal Login


    After-School Transportation Disclaimer

    Route times posted for buses returning students from school are approximate due to traffic and the number of students riding. Because of these conditions beyond our control, the Transportation Department is not responsible for the accuracy of these times.

    Student drop-off times for after school late runs will vary from day to day depending on the number of students riding and the route distances required. **Late run buses may be as late as 7:30 p.m.**

    Parents and students can log in anytime and anywhere to access individual student transportation information, reducing the need to call the Transportation Department for bus information.  This will help save time for parents.


    About Bus Routes

    Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 bus routes are now accessible online. This information is available to parents and students through the use of a login and password.  For the initial login, your username and password will be the student ID number (ask your student for their lunch number).  The system will require you to change your password the first time you log in.

    Bus Routes are subject to change frequently, please check this site often. If you have questions concerning bus routes, contact the Transportation Department at 785-587-2190

    Route times posted for buses returning students from school are approximate due to traffic and the number of students riding. Because these conditions are beyond our control, the Transportation Department is not responsible for the accuracy of these times.

    If your student(s) is not eligible for transportation services, you will not be able to access any bus route information.

    You must live 2.5 miles or greater from home to school to be eligible for general education school bus transportation. Every school district receives funding based on a formula for each student over 2.5 miles. The distance is measured by KSDE (Kansas State Department of Education) Auditor from the front door of residence to the front door of the school using the most direct route. There is no rounding when measuring. K.S.A 72-6487.


    Padres y estudiantes pueden podrán iniciar sesión a cualquier hora y en cualquier lugar para tener acceso a la información de transporte del estudiante, reduciendo la necesidad de llamar al Departamento de Transporte para información del autobús escolar. Esto ayudará a ahorrar tiempo a los padres.

    Las rutas de los autobuses escolares de USD 383 Manhattan-Ogden ahora son accesibles en línea.  Esta información está disponible para los padres y estudiantes por medio del uso de un acceso y contraseña.  Para el acceso inicial, su nomre de usuario y contraseña serán el número de Identificación del estudiante (pregunte a su estudiante su número de almuerzo). El Sistema requerirá que usted cambie su contraseña la primera vez que usted tenga acceso. 

    Las Rutas del Autobús están sujetas a cambiar frecuentemente, por favor cheque este sitio regularmente. Si tiene dudas o preguntas acerca de las rutas del autobús, contacte al Departamento de Transporte al 785-587-2190

    Los horarios publicados de las rutas para cuando los autobuses regresen a los estudiantes de la escuela son aproximadamente debido al tráfico y al número de estudiantes en el autobús. Porque estas condiciones están más allá de nuestro control, el Departamento de Transporte no es responsable por la precisión de estos horarios.

    Si su estudiante(s) no es elegible para los servicios de transporte, usted no podrá tener acceso a ninguna información de ruta del autobús.

  • Here Comes the Bus, the award-winning, industry-leading, and parent-approved mobile app highlights the tremendous power mobile technology portends to solve longstanding, real-world problems in a fresh yet familiar way.

    Dubbed “ridesharing technology for school bus” by the media, the app marries powerful GPS data from location management units with customer-focused software to deliver a sleek user interface that solves a universal problem: the arrival time of the school bus.

    Here Comes the Bus information in English and Spanish

    Here Comes the Bus FAQs

    Here Comes the Bus FAQs Spanish

  • The goal of Transportation Services is to provide safe, comfortable and efficient transportation. In order to achieve this goal, Transportation Services has instituted a discipline plan to address student misconduct.

    Student Transportation Handbook

    Bus Rules - English

    Bus Rules - Spanish

    Bus Rules - Pashto

  • Some streets and roads are not able to be traveled by a school bus due to inclement weather. Please check to find out if you are in an area that can get an IWS stop and find out what the alternate stop is. We will notify parents/guardians using ParentSquare if Inclement Weather Stops are in effect. 

    Inclement Weather Bus Stops

  • There is one simple thing that each of us can do to make sure students are safe while loading and unloading a school bus. That one simple thing – stop for a stopped school bus.