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About Communications

The Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 Communcations Department is the primary communicator between the district, parents/guardians, and the wider community. The goal of the Communciations Department is to disemenate information for transparency, engagement, and understanding. 

We manage the following:

  • Public and media relations
  • Internal communciations from the district to schools
  • Website content and editing
  • Social media content creation and management
  • Crisis communications
  • Brand management

Contact Us

Michele Jones – Director of Communications and School Safety

Tess Riecke – Communications Specialist

Phone: 785-587-2000

Located at the Lincoln Education Center, 901 Poyntz Ave., Manhattan, KS 66502

Communications Resources

  • Social Media Guidelines 

    The Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 social media accounts are are intended to inform past and present students, families, staff, and residents of Manhattan and Ogden of events and achievements by students and staff. These accounts will be monitored by the USD 383 Communications Office along with other staff.

    We welcome and encourage comments, questions or concerns but reserve the right to remove any postings that are in violation of the below rules. These are moderated accounts and not a public forum for debates. Any violation of these rules will result in a persons immediate removal from USD 383 accounts and the possibility of being reported to the social media company for termination from the network.

    Guidelines for use:

    1. Language: Comments using abusive language, profanity or are of inappropriate nature are prohibited. This includes acronyms, abbreviations and masked words (****). This also includes remarks that are racist, homophobic, ableist, xenophobic, and sexist as well as those that contain obscenities or are sexually explicit.
    2. Spam: Comments that are advertising/soliciting, and/or promoting any political campaign/ideology or organization, especially if it is a comment on content that is irrelevant to the information you are posting, will not be tolerated. Links, photos, or quotes to/from other websites/sources will be monitored. 
    3. Illegal: Comments that break the law or are encouraging others to do so are prohibited. If you are using someone else’s work, they should be properly cited and given credit.
    4. Personal Attacks: Comments attacking staff, students, or the Board of Education are prohibited. Rumors or speculations on important district matters will be closely monitored.
    5. Disagreements: If you disagree with an issue, we would like to hear from you but request that your rebuttal be done in a respectful and considerate way. If you have a concern or question about a process, decision, or policy, please contact the district at 785-587-2000. We will not allow offensive nature or the provocation of others.
    6. Violation of any Manhattan-Ogden School District policies or the Manhattan High School Code of Conduct is prohibited. 

    Further, the administrators of any USD 383 social media account reserves the right to remove a comment, reply, or post at any time for any reason.

    If you have any questions about these guidelines, please contact Tess Riecke or Michele Jones

    USD 383 Social Media Accounts

    *These are the official school and department social media accounts associated with USD 383. There are various social media accounts that are run by coaches, club sponsors, parents, and students that are associated with MHS athletics and/or activities that are not listed here nor managed directly by the Communications team.

  • The Communications Department manages all district and school logos. We reserve the right to deny usage of any of our logos for any reason.

    If you would like access to any of USD 383 logos, please email Tess Riecke with the following information

    • Name and/or business
    • Requested logo
    • Which file type is needed
    • What the logo will be used on or for
    • Mock-up of design, if applicable, to ensure the logo will not be misrepresented or altered. Note: altering our logo includesbut is not limited to changing the colors, fonts, adding or replacing elements, deleting elements, and using the logos within other logos or designs not compatiable with the Strategic Framework. 
    • Any other relevant information to your project
  • The Kansas Open Records Act – A guide to the rights of the public & the responsibilities of USD 383

    USD 383 Public Request for Open Records Form

    The Kansas Sunshine Laws require governments to function in the open, subject to public scrutiny. Kansas has two sunshine laws: the Kansas Open Records Act (KORA) and the Kansas Open Meetings Act (KOMA).

    KORA requires most records that are made or kept by public schools or community colleges to be open to the public. KORA is designed to ensure public access to information that forms the basis for public decision-making.

    Each of these laws make openness the rule, but recognizes that there are times when individual privacy interests or competing public interests override the public's right to know.

    Private individuals can bring action in the district court to enforce their rights under the Kansas Open Records Act. Actions can also be brought by the county attorney, the district attorney or the Kansas Attorney General. Although schools or community colleges can be fined for intentionally violating KORA, injunctions and other orders to enforce the purposes of KORA are the most common remedies.

    The Kansas Open Records Act - KORA
    KORA begins with the presumption that all public records should be open to the public, but allows certain exemptions from this requirement.

    Exemptions are included in the law because the legislature has determined the public's right to know is outweighed by another important interest.

    The following list provides examples of the types of records which may be exempt under KORA. Not all exempt records are included in the example list.

    • Records exempted by other laws
    • Records that are privileged under the rules of evidence
    • Medical and treatment records
    • Personnel records, except for the name of the employee, position held, salary and length of service
    • Names of donors, if they have requested their name not be released
    • Some emergency or security procedures
    • Sealed bids, until one is accepted or all are rejected
    • Correspondence with a private individual
    • Records containing information of a personal nature where disclosure would constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy

    Your Right to Request Records
    KORA grants the public the following rights: 

    • The right to have a freedom of information officer respond to your questions about KORA.
    • The right to be informed of the procedures you must follow in requesting access to, or copies of, our records.
    • The right to inspect any public record that we have in our possession that is not exempt. We are not required to create a record for you if the record does not already exist.
    • The right to have copies of public records, but we can charge a fee for making copies and/or charge you for staff time to research your request, run a search, etc.
    • The right to inspect or obtain copies of our records during regular business hours.
    • The right to have access to a record not later than three business days after you request it.
    • The right to a written explanation of the reason we are denying you access to a record if we refuse to allow access to a record.
    • The right to bring an action against us in the district court if you believe we are denying you access to a record you have a right to see.
    • The right to have your attorney's fees paid by us if the court determines we intentionally violated your rights under KORA and had no reasonable basis for denying your request.

    USD 383 Responsibilities
    Public schools have several responsibilities under KORA. We must:

    • Appoint a freedom of information officer who can answer your questions and settle disputes under KORA. Contact Michele Jones, USD 383 Freedom of Information Officer, at (785) 587-2000.
    • Make facilities available to you for inspecting our records.
    • Allow you to make abstracts or have copies of our records made. Our charge is 10 cents per page, prepaid, if more than 25 total pages are requested.
    • Adopt procedures for requesting access or obtaining copies of our records.
    • Act upon requests for records as soon as possible or give you an explanation of the reason for the delay. If there will be a delay, we must tell you the earliest time and place at which the record you are seeking will be made available, but not longer than three business days from the date of the request.
    • Have a records custodian available during all regular business hours, and have procedures for allowing access on business days when regular office hours are not maintained.
    • Remove exempt information and provide you with the remainder of the record if the record contains both exempt and nonexempt material.
    • Provide you with a written statement, citing the specific provision of the law under which we are denying you access to a record and you ask for an explanation. The statement must be provided within three business days after you request it.

    For more information on the Kansas Open Records Act, visit the Kansas Attorney General webpage

  • Video Footage Requests and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

    This information and procedure is designed to establish guidelines for the handling of requests from law enforcement agencies and/or others for video footage maintained by Manhattan-Ogden USD 383. This procedure aims to protect student privacy rights in accordance with FERPA while also recognizing the importance of cooperation with law enforcement and the Kansas legal requirements regarding confidentiality.