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Student Survey Information

Student Survey Information

  • Kansas House Bill 2567 Sec. 27 - A nonacademic test, questionnaire, survey or examination containing any questions about the personal and private attitudes, values, beliefs or practices of the student or the student's parents, guardians, family members, associates, friends or peers that is administered during the school day shall not be administered to any student enrolled in kindergarten or grades one through 12, unless the parent:

    1. Is notified in writing not more than four months in advance of the administration of such test, questionnaire, survey or examination that this such test, questionnaire, survey or examination is to be administered, and notification includes:

    a. copy of the test, questionnaire, survey or examination that is to be administered;

    b. information on how the parent or guardian may provide written consent to authorize the student to take such test, questionnaire, survey or examination;

    c. the name of the company or entity that produces or provides the test, questionnaire, survey or examination to the school; and

    d. whether the school will receive or maintain the resulting data and an explanation of how the school intends to use and maintain such data;

    2. The parent must “opt-in” with consent either by written or electronic signature. Written consent from the parent shall be provided separately for each individual test, questionnaire, survey or examination that is to be administered.

    3. However, the student shall have the right to refuse even after the parent consents, and may “opt-out” of taking it. Prior to administering the test, each student shall be informed they have the right to refuse to take it without suffering any consequences.

    Prior to the administration of any such test, questionnaire, survey or examination, a school district shall post and maintain a copy of such test, questionnaire, survey or examination on the school district website.

    No personally identifiable student data shall be collected through any such test, questionnaire, survey or examination.

    If any school district employee becomes aware that a student may be at risk of suicide by a credible report from the student, the student's peers or another school district employee, after attempting to notify the parent, designated school personnel may administer a suicide risk assessment or screening tool. If parent cannot be verbally notified, as soon as contact is made, school personnel will provide the parent all information obtained from the risk assessment administered to the student.

    Kansas Communities That Care Survey – 2024-2025

    • USD 383 gives the core survey and the family and suicide/depression optional modules
    • The Kansas Communities That Care Student Survey is taken by 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th grade students statewide. This survey is a valuable tool to help us understand how students behave, think and feel about alcohol, marijuana and other drug use, bullying and school safety. The KCTC survey measures teen substance use, delinquency, and related problem behaviors in schools and communities. The survey gives us insight into the problems students face and shows what we can do to help them succeed.

    • The information is important for planning effective prevention programs in our school and community and provides data to assist in applying for grant funding.

    • The survey is provided by the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services, Behavioral Health Services Commission and administered by Greenbush – The Southeast Kansas Education Service Center, Research and Evaluation Department. SEKESC IRB STUDY #2022-01

  • Individual Plans of Study (IPS) - Student

    In January 2014 the Kansas State Department of Education went to the State Board of Education strongly recommending that all districts implement individual plans of study for students in grades 8 through 12 for the following reasons:

    1) Individual plans of study should be considered a “best practice” for districts, can help all Kansas students obtain a suitable vision of their path toward college and career readiness, and will address the gap between the percentage of students enrolling and the percentage of students earning credit during their first year of enrollment in 2- and 4-year postsecondary institutions.

    2) Individual plans of study are addressed as part of the “Career Awareness and Guidance” criteria in the current draft version of Kansas’ new accreditation model.

    3) The Kansas State Department of Education can provide support to educators, as well as to vendors of student information systems to ensure that individual plans of study are implemented in ways that will be cost-effective and not unreasonably taxing to students or educators.

    As students navigate through high school and into career and college, it is imperative that students set educational goals and create a roadmap for success in high school and beyond. This roadmap, or individual plan of study, includes development of a flexible career focus and an education plan that is clearly-defined, rigorous, and relevant to assure a successful and efficient transition to postsecondary education and/or the workforce.

    The foundational elements of the individual plan of study are the career interests identified by the student through an authentic career interest survey or assessment. A roadmap based on the student’s interests and talents can then be developed. Other parts of the IPS include graduation requirements, approved coursework for the student's educational and career goals, and developmentally-appropriate, work-based learning experiences.

    An IPS is developed cooperatively with the student and the student's counselor, teachers, and family members. The plan is reviewed at least twice annually and is revised as needed.