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Far too often, we hear news of another school shooting somewhere in our country. The devastation to communities and families often leads us to reflect on what can be done better to protect our schools and our students. Youth suicide is also an alarming act impacting far too many families and communities. Suicide is the third leading cause of death for ages 10 – 24 (CDC WISQARS). More teenagers and young adults die from suicide than from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia, influenza, and chronic lung disease, COMBINED.
A study conducted by the Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center found in targeted school violence incidents from 2008-2017, 76 percent of the firearms were obtained from the home of a parent or close relative. Each year approximately 350 children under the age of 18 are unintentionally shot by themselves or someone else. Almost 1,200 children die by gun suicide each year. In an overwhelming majority of these incidents, the firearm used belonged to someone in their home.
The USD 383 Board of Education has directed administration to reach out to our families as our primary partner for help and support in reducing access to weapons. See the Secure Storage Notification Resolution below.
We strongly encourage you to help protect our community by ensuring any firearms in your home are stored safely. One study found that 87 percent of kids know where their parents’ guns are kept, and 60 percent have handled them. Research shows that secure firearm storage practices are associated with up to an 85 percent reduction in the risk of self-inflicted and unintentional firearm injuries among children and teens. Storing firearms securely by locking both weapons and ammunition in separate locations, protects children at home and throughout our community.
The safety of our students is our top priority, but everyone has a part to play in making our schools safe. Thank you for your support in maintaining safe school environments for all of the students we serve.
We appreciate your support as we move forward together.
In education,
Eric Reid, Superintendent
USD 383 Board of Education Resolution
Resolution 2425-10 Secure Storage Notification
Whereas, evidence strongly suggests that secure firearm storage is an essential component to any effective strategy to keep schools and students safe;
Whereas, an estimated 5.4 million American children live in households with at least one loaded, unlocked firearm;
Whereas, every year, roughly 350 children under the age of 18 unintentionally shoot themselves or someone else. That's roughly one unintentional shooting per day, and 70 percent of these incidents take place inside a home;
Whereas, another 1,200 children and teens die by gun suicide each year, most often using guns belonging to a family member;
Whereas, in incidents of gun violence on school grounds, 75 percent of active shooters are current students or recent graduates, and up to 80 percent of shooters under the age of 18 obtained their guns from their own home, a relative's home, or from friends;
Whereas, research shows that secure firearm storage practices are associated with up to an 85 percent reduction in the risk of unintentional firearm injuries among children and teens;
Whereas, the U.S. Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center recommends the importance of appropriate storage of weapons because many school attackers used firearms acquired from their homes;
Whereas, across the country, lawmakers, community members, and local leaders are working together to implement public awareness campaigns, such as the Be SMART program, which is endorsed by the National PTA and which encourages secure gun storage practices and highlights the public safety risks of unsecured guns;
Whereas, school districts across the country have begun to proactively send materials home to parents and guardians informing them of applicable firearm storage laws and firearm secure storage best practices;
Whereas, keeping students, teachers and staff safe from the threat of gun violence should be the responsibility of all adult stakeholders at each of our school sites;
Whereas, in order to continue with preventative measures to increase student and school safety we must act now; now therefore, be it
Resolved, that the Board directs the Superintendent and staff to update the district website to include information about the secure storage of firearms;
Resolved further, that the Board directs the Superintendent to create an appropriate letter, or other form of communication, in identified preferred language, to parents and guardians that explains the importance of secure gun storage to protect minors from accessing irresponsibly stored guns, to be sent to families at the beginning of each school year,
Resolved further, that the Board formally request lawmakers to follow the lead of other states in passing safe storage legislation that would result in reduced gun violence opportunities or accidents by minor children and increase accountability to adults who fail to secure firearms properly and, be it finally;
Resolved, that the Board and the Superintendent will continue to work with local law enforcement agencies, health agencies and non-profits to collaborate and increase efforts to inform District parents about secure storage of firearms in their homes.
Jayme Morris-Hardeman, President
Manhattan-Ogden USD 383
Board of Education
USD 383 Board of Education Resolution
Resolution 2425-10 Secure Storage Notification
Whereas, evidence strongly suggests that secure firearm storage is an essential component to any effective strategy to keep schools and students safe;
Whereas, an estimated 5.4 million American children live in households with at least one loaded, unlocked firearm;
Whereas, every year, roughly 350 children under the age of 18 unintentionally shoot themselves or someone else. That's roughly one unintentional shooting per day, and 70 percent of these incidents take place inside a home;
Whereas, another 1,200 children and teens die by gun suicide each year, most often using guns belonging to a family member;
Whereas, in incidents of gun violence on school grounds, 75 percent of active shooters are current students or recent graduates, and up to 80 percent of shooters under the age of 18 obtained their guns from their own home, a relative's home, or from friends;
Whereas, research shows that secure firearm storage practices are associated with up to an 85 percent reduction in the risk of unintentional firearm injuries among children and teens;
Whereas, the U.S. Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center recommends the importance of appropriate storage of weapons because many school attackers used firearms acquired from their homes;
Whereas, across the country, lawmakers, community members, and local leaders are working together to implement public awareness campaigns, such as the Be SMART program, which is endorsed by the National PTA and which encourages secure gun storage practices and highlights the public safety risks of unsecured guns;
Whereas, school districts across the country have begun to proactively send materials home to parents and guardians informing them of applicable firearm storage laws and firearm secure storage best practices;
Whereas, keeping students, teachers and staff safe from the threat of gun violence should be the responsibility of all adult stakeholders at each of our school sites;
Whereas, in order to continue with preventative measures to increase student and school safety we must act now; now therefore, be it
Resolved, that the Board directs the Superintendent and staff to update the district website to include information about the secure storage of firearms;
Resolved further, that the Board directs the Superintendent to create an appropriate letter, or other form of communication, in identified preferred language, to parents and guardians that explains the importance of secure gun storage to protect minors from accessing irresponsibly stored guns, to be sent to families at the beginning of each school year,
Resolved further, that the Board formally request lawmakers to follow the lead of other states in passing safe storage legislation that would result in reduced gun violence opportunities or accidents by minor children and increase accountability to adults who fail to secure firearms properly and, be it finally;
Resolved, that the Board and the Superintendent will continue to work with local law enforcement agencies, health agencies and non-profits to collaborate and increase efforts to inform District parents about secure storage of firearms in their homes.