Please reach out the the USD 383 Board Clerk, Diane Denison, if you have any questions about Board of Education Meetings
USD 383 Board of Education
c/o Board Clerk – Diane Denison
901 Poyntz Avenue
Manhattan, KS 66502
Open Forum
The president or presiding officer may ask patrons attending if they would like to speak during the open forum. Rules for the public forum will be
available from the clerk prior to the board meeting and at the meeting itself. The board president may impose a limit on the time a visitor may address the board. The board president may ask groups with the same interest to appoint a spokesperson to deliver the group’s message. Except to ask clarifying questions, board members shall not interact with speakers at the open forum.
Patron - Requested Agenda Items
Any patron may request addition of a specific agenda item and shall notify the superintendent ten days prior to the meeting and state the reason(s) for the request. The superintendent shall determine whether the request can be solved by staff without the patron’s appearance before the board. If not, the superintendent shall consult with the board president, and the patron’s request may be placed on the next regular board meeting agenda.
Handling Complaints (See KN)
The superintendent may refer complaints to the board only if a satisfactory adjustment cannot be made by a principal, the superintendent, or other appropriate staff members.
Approved: 5/05
If you have concerns about a specific person, please utilize the Concerns Matrix.
All regular board meetings are held at Lincoln Education Center unless otherwise notified. All Meetings are on Wednesdays starting at 6:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted. The secondary schools listed by the meeting dates are when student representatives from the Student Councils will speak at the meeting.
2025 special meetings for Board Retreat
The Board of Education serves the citizens of Manhattan-Ogden USD 383, so community input is always welcome. Ideas and suggestions can
help meet the challenge of becoming the best school district possible.
There are two ways a citizen can express their thoughts at a board meeting. First, there is a specific section of the agenda permitting people
to address the Board. This is the best time to speak about something that does not appear on the agenda.
Secondly, citizens may speak during the public time and any listed agenda item when recognized by the president. This the time to make views
known about the item(s) being discussed previous to any action taken by the Board. Speakers are asked to give their name, address, and to limit comments to three minutes.
Board members are responsible for developing and adopting policies that will guide the superintendent and staff as they provide for the educational needs of the students, parents, and citizens of the district. Other duties include:
All policies established by the Board must be consistent with the laws covering public education in the State of Kansas and must follow regulations established by the Kansas State Board of Education.
The superintendent is a professional educator employed by the Board to administer all district operations and carry out policies. In addition to advising the Board of matters relating to the management of the district, the superintendent is responsible for giving direction to the staff. The president of the Board and the superintendent prepare an agenda for each meeting that outlines the formal order of business.
The public is invited to attend all open meetings of the Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 Board of Education. Occasionally, executive sessions may be held. A majority vote of the Board is necessary to discuss items in executive session such as:
Board action on any item discussed in executive must be taken in public session.
Board of Education meetings are held the first and third Wednesdays of every month at 6:30 p.m. at the Lincoln Education Center. When a special meeting is called or there is a change in a meeting date or location, the updated information will be published on USD 383 social media and website. Regular meetings are live-streamed on a USD 383 social media outlet.
The Board may provide accommodations for members of the news media present at board meetings. At an appropriate time, the board or superintendent may explain board action.
Use of cameras, photographic lights, and recording devices at any board meeting shall be allowed subject to reasonable rules, which are designed to ensure orderly conduct. All recording devices, including microphones, shall be kept in an area designated for the media. Use of recording devices shall not interfere with or disrupt the meeting. No cameras or recording devices are allowed at executive sessions.
Please view the Questions and Concerns Matrix before contacting the Board of Education. Begin at level 1 and work your way to the next levels if your question or concern has not been resolved.