Board Policy JBCC - Enrollment of Nonresident Students
UPDATE – Board vote and approval on April 17, 2024.
The Board of Education gave final approval to zero open enrollment slots for new out-of-district enrollment for the 2024-25 school year.
Background Information:
The Kansas Legislature has enacted two pieces of legislation (HB 2567 and SB 113) requiring school districts to have an open enrollment policy in place by January 1, 2024. Such policy must prescribe a method for determining the district’s capacity to receive nonresident students, set priority in enrollment for particular student groups as specified in law; and to describe how the district will determine good standing for nonresident students to continue to be enrolled in the district’s schools.
Current Considerations:
Kansas Association of School Boards has provided a proposed policy to cover statutory requirements for JBCC Enrollment of Nonresident Students. A committee covering representatives across the district was established and has met to review the proposed language for this policy. The policy has also been reviewed by the Board Policy Committee. Prior to adopting a policy on nonresident enrollment, the Board of Education must call and hold a hearing on the proposed policy. It is proposed to hold the hearing at 6:25 p.m. on Wednesday, December 6, 2023 in the Kirmser Conference Room of the Robinson Education Center at 2031
Poyntz Avenue, Manhattan, KS.
District Goal:
Our goal is for all students to succeed at increasingly higher levels of academic growth, social-emotional development, and postsecondary preparation.
District Strategy:
2C. Align non-instructional operations in support of students, staff and schools.
The administration respectfully recommends the Board of Education give final approval (A2) to new Board Policy JBCC Enrollment of Nonresident Students.
Recommended Motion:
“I move to give final approval to new Board Policy JBCC Enrollment of Nonresident Students.
Board Policy JBCC - Enrollment of Nonresident Students
Open Enrollment Flyer - English