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Inclement Weather Information

Inclement Weather Guidelines and Procedures

One of the top priorities of our district is the safety of students and staff. Canceling or releasing early due to inclement weather is a decision that affects many including our families and staff.

As winter approaches so does the potential of severe weather. As a general practice, USD 383 will strive to have school unless weather conditions impact our ability to safely transport students or clear walkways and parking lots for school.

It is not our practice to cancel school based solely on forecast. In Kansas, many times what is anticipated does not happen, and at other times surprises happen that came with little warning. We realize this can mean later than ideal notice at times, but in our effort to have school if able, we will base those decisions on actual conditions.

We would encourage all families to have a Plan B option ready in case of a school cancellation instead of waiting for a decision from the district to come up with a plan for your family. 

In general, these are the guidelines and procedures USD 383 utilizes for inclement weather. 

There are several factors that go into the decision-making procedures for inclement weather. Temperature, road conditions, forecast, driver safety, staff availability, and more are all considered. We are also in communication with Riley County, the National Weather Service, and other school districts to discuss conditions. In general, these are the steps the district may take:

  • If inclement weather happens overnight, a team of district employees will drive around in their assigned sections of the USD 383 boundaries. This helps determine if road conditions are navigable by buses and cars. The forecast for the rest of the day is also considered as well as staff availability and if the maintenance crews can clear snow in time for the start of school. Notifications about Inclement Weather Stops or Cancellation will be sent by 6 a.m.
  • Rarely, a storm will occur and worsen during the school day. Transportation and road conditions will be monitored throughout the day. Forecast and actual conditions will help determine early release.

Parents are always welcome to pick-up their students or keep them at home if they feel it is unsafe to send them to school. This is considered an excused absence if you call the school to report it. 


Inclement Weather Stops (IWS)

Some streets and roads are inaccessible or difficult to navigate during inclement weather. IWS may be used to keep bus riders and drivers safe.

Not every bus route/stop has an IWS - contact transportation or visit USD 383 Transportation if you are unsure if your stop has an IWS.


  • USD 383 will make an announcement concerning snow days before 6:00 a.m. We will notify families/students via the following outlets: ParentSquare, USD 383 social media accounts, USD 383 website, and local media.

    Parents always have the final responsibility to determine whether it is safe for their own children to attend school. Parents choosing to keep their children home because of weather conditions should call the school and let them know of their intent not to send their child to school.

    As a general policy, once students are at school, school will not be dismissed early because of weather conditions, except in situations of extreme emergency. Parents may choose to pick up their children at any time if they feel it is appropriate.

  • If weather sirens are activated, we will not release students. Students and adults will be in severe weather shelters. When the severe weather siren is activated, all students, staff, and visitors that are at the building will move to the severe weather shelter. Doors will remain locked and phones will not be answered. The severe weather shelters are available for students, staff, and visitors who are within the building when the siren is activated. Our shelters are not public shelters. Parents/guardians should have their own severe weather plan and should not come to the school when the siren is activated. We will release from the shelter once we receive an all clear signal.

  • If thunder is heard or cloud-to-ground lightening is seen, the leading edge of a thunderstorm is close enough to a pose a risk. If students are outside for any reason (playground, class activity, athletics, etc.), that activity will be suspended immediately and students and staff will return to the school/classroom for shelter. Activities will be suspended for at least 30 minutes from the last sound of thunder or lightning strike witnessed before resuming the activity. Any subsequent thunder or lightning strike during the 30 minute waiting period resets the clock and a new 30 minute waiting period begins.

  • If a storm suddenly intensifies while students are on a school bus, drivers will seek shelter at the nearest school building. USD 383 has a Green Bus Door program that will be activated through our bus dispatch office. After an all clear signal is received, students will load back on the bus and continue the route (if roads are passable).

District Options


All buildings are closed including all before and after school programming. Students and staff do not report. Only weather-essential staff report on site.

Facility rentals from outside organizations are canceled. District activities and events may be canceled on a case-by-case basis.

Early Release

In the rare instance that weather conditions worsen during the school day, students may be released early to ensure students leave school safely.

Notifications about parent pick-up and transportation information will be sent in the event of early release.


Late Start

In the event of an extreme weather event that constitutes delaying school, but not cancellation of the entire day, the school district has the option of a two-hour delay.  

When a late start is enacted, school will begin exactly two hours later than the normal starting time for each building (examples: MHS will begin at 9:40am instead of 7:40am; Lee will begin at 10:45am instead of 8:45am). Early learning morning sessions/classes will be cancelled. 


USD 383 will make determinations about school cancellations before 6 a.m. This process involves several factors including precipitation, forecast, temperature/wind chill, visibility, building safety, bus conditions, and driver availability. School closure announcements will be announced the following ways:


ParentSquare is the district notification system.

You do NOT need to sign up or register to receive inclement weather notifications - contact information is automatically linked to our student information system, Infinite Campus. 

If you are not a parent/guardian that is registered in Infinite Campus, you will NOT receive a notification from ParentSquare.

An urgent alert will be sent via text, email, and phone call regardless of notification settings or registration status. 

Contact your child's school if you have questions or concerns. 

Visit our ParentSquare website page for FAQ's and more information.

Social Media and USD 383 Website

Inclement weather notifications will also be published on all our social media accounts



Inclement weather information will be posted on our website homepage.


News Stations/Radio


We will send inclement weather notifications to local news stations (KSNT and WIBW) and local radio station (KMAN). We will also notify Fort Riley.